Friday, October 15, 2010

Up against the wall dickwads !

I just abandoned a book called The Extinction Event, by David Black.

Here's what I thought of it:

The writer, editor, publisher and anyone else associated with this wanna-be novel should be pelted with rotten tomatoes. Either the author has been smitten with senility and the other culprits are giving him a pass, or this was written as a comic book and someone forgot to include the artwork. In any case it is a fraud, and if I had bought it instead of borrowing from the library, I would be insisting on my money back. Specifically, the characters in this travesty are one dimensional caricatures, and the plot is some stream-of-consciousness, ever-diverging departure from reality. The dialog is lifted directly from the Big Book of Cliches to Avoid, and the whole mess is punctuated by tedious descriptive narrative that adds nothing to the story, but must be intended merely to take up white space. This drivel is what I would expect from a vapid high school sophomore trying to write in the style of Mickey Spillane. This is the worst book I have ever attempted to read, and I admit I gave up a quarter of the way through, and just spot checked a page here and there after page 57, expecting it just had to get better, but it did not. Instead it just gets painfully worse and more improbably chaotic, and inspired me to write this review. Save your money. Wait for the comic book to come out.

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