Sunday, March 13, 2011

Enough NFL

I really don't care if these overpaid primadonna football stars and fat cat owners play another down ever.

I think it would be only justice to see the NFL fritter away its anti-trust exemption through greed, call a lock-out, then get their Armani pants sued off. When the lock-out ends by court order, the players strike. In a desperate bid to pay the escalating mortgage on his new stadium, Jerry Jones starts a new league merging football with professional wrestling. Sidelines are replaced by ring ropes and helmets are eliminated as a concession to the WWF crowd, who want to see their heroes emote and bleed. Game scores exceed first basketball, then cricket tallies. Games are so obviously scripted that only trash sports cable TV carries the games. Even the bookies abandon the new sport, and attendance sags except for the mullet crowd. Jerry Jones is bankrupt and in prison within two years, and turns his attention toward getting a TV contract for a prison league. His memorial stadium becomes permanent host to the Fort Worth Farmers Market. Meanwhile with the elimination of the offsides penalty and full contact and tackling allowed, soccer finally starts to catch on as the national sport.

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